Dog Eye Infections

Eye infections are a frequent concern for pet owners and can impact a dog's quality of life if not addressed promptly. These infections can range from minor irritations to severe conditions that may lead to vision problems. At Animal Medical Center of Midwest City in Midwest City, OK, we provide various treatments to reduce any uncomfortable symptoms your canine is experiencing and improve its overall health.

Dog Eye Infection

Common Causes of Dog Eye Infections

Several factors can lead to eye infections in dogs. Bacterial or viral infections, allergies, and foreign objects that enter the eye can all contribute to the development of an infection. Additionally, underlying conditions such as conjunctivitis or keratitis may exacerbate the problem.

Recognizing the Symptoms

If your dog has an eye infection, he or she may exhibit a variety of symptoms, such as redness, swelling, discharge, and excessive tearing. Your canine might also show signs of discomfort like squinting, rubbing their eyes, or having difficulty seeing. Observing these symptoms early can help in diagnosing and treating the infection effectively.


Diagnosing an eye infection typically involves a thorough examination by our veterinarian. We may use various diagnostic tools such as eye staining tests, microscopy, and culture tests to identify the specific cause of the infection. Understanding the underlying cause is essential for determining the appropriate treatment.

Treatment Options

Treatment depends on the cause of the eye infection. Bacterial infections are often treated with topical or oral antibiotics. Viral infections may require supportive care and antiviral medications. For fungal infections, our vet might recommend antifungal medications. Additionally, identifying any underlying conditions such as allergies or irritants is important in managing and preventing recurring infections.

Preventing Eye Infections in Dogs

Preventing eye infections requires good eye hygiene and addressing potential irritants. It’s important to regularly check your dog's eyes for signs of infection and keep its environment clean to reduce the risk. Protecting your canine from potential irritants such as smoke, chemicals, and allergens can also be helpful.

Contact Animal Medical Center of Midwest City for an Appointment Today

If you need dog eye infection treatment, our team at Animal Medical Center of Midwest City in Midwest City, OK, is happy to help. Early intervention can prevent the infection from worsening and protect your pet’s eye health. To schedule your appointment, contact us at (405) 732-0043 today. When you need a veterinarian near me, we look forward to assisting you!