Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm Prevention from Our Veterinarian near You in Midwest City, OK


Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms that live in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of affected animals. It primarily affects dogs, but cats and other mammals can also be at risk. The disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, making prevention a crucial aspect of pet care. Before visiting Animal Medical Center of Midwest City in Midwest City, OK, learn more about heartworm prevention below:

Heartworm prevention

The Importance of Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm prevention is essential for safeguarding your pet’s health. Unlike other parasites, heartworms cause significant damage to the cardiovascular system, leading to severe complications and even death if left untreated. Preventative measures are far more effective and less costly than treating an established infection. By providing your cat or dog with regular heartworm medication, you ensure that he or she remains protected year-round.

Available Heartworm Preventatives

There are several types of heartworm preventatives available, including monthly oral tablets, topical treatments, and injectable options. These medications work by killing the immature forms of the heartworm larvae before they can mature and cause harm. It is important to administer these preventatives consistently and according to our veterinarian’s recommendations.

Year-Round Prevention

Many pet owners may mistakenly believe that heartworm prevention is only necessary during warmer months when mosquitoes are more active. However, year-round prevention is recommended because mosquitoes can appear at unexpected times, and it takes just one bite to transmit the disease. Administering parasite treatment consistently throughout the year keeps your furry companion safe and healthy.

Heartworm Testing

Regular heartworm testing is essential, even if your pet is on a preventative. Annual testing confirms that the preventative is working effectively and that your pet has not been infected. Not only that, but these evaluations also allow for early detection and allow our vets to provide prompt treatment to reduce the risk of health issues.

 Contact Us for an Appointment Today

To learn more about heartworm prevention or to schedule a heartworm test, contact Animal Medical Center of Midwest City in Midwest City, OK, at (405) 732-0043 today. We are happy to discuss the best prevention options with you and set you up for an appointment. When you need a veterinarian near you, our team looks forward to assisting you!